VYROX M&E ELV Consulting Engineers Malaysia

"The 1st rule of being a good engineer is willing to get your hands dirty at work"
A professional mechanical and electrical (M&E) consultant engineer who major in extra low voltage (ELV) systems specialize in Internet-of-Things (IoT) smart home automation. The engineering director who co-invented VYROX VHOME and AUTOSERVA HORIZON IoT smart city systems.
Patrick Au is one of the Malaysian experts in ELV system architecture design and system integration for high-rise buildings since 2007.
He is currently working closely with a well-known Malaysian real estate developer and a world leading networking technology giant from China to build and to realize IoT smart city concepts with futuristic technologies.
Perunding Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Elektrikal (Jurutera Perunding Patrick Au 019-6883338)