VYROX Internet-of-Things IoT Solution

What is Internet-of-Things (IoT)?
It is a network for every object to communicate. The objects can make decisions and take actions on their own based on data and information exchanging between them. The processes can be pre-programmed and work without human interactions. It is a higher level of machine automation. The objects are the devices or the gadgets, which is small, may be battery powered and has internet capability. The objects are named as "Things" in IoT. The concept is to transform dead objects into "living" things by engineering them with communication technologies, either long range like WiFi, medium range like ZigBee & Z-Wave and short range like bluetooth and NFC.
Four very important parts are needed to realize the concept of IoT, which are the IoT devices, IoT products, IoT network infrastructures and IoT platform. Companies like Amazon, Google, LG, Samsung, Tmall and Xiaomi are making a tons of variety of IoT gadgets and devices like voice control speakers, smart door locks, smart tv, wireless lighting control switches, smart led light bulbs, smart washing machines, smart kettle, etc.

Generally, we have three categories of IoT devices, which are sensors, actuator and IO translator for integration purposes. Witht the use of IO translator, we can digitalize electronic, electrical and mechanical things. By using IoT systems, we able to monitor, control and automate almost everything now just with a smartphone. The IoT platform will gather data from sensors, and store them into cloud data base for big data analytics and the system will automatically make a decision or request your permission whenever an action is required. The IoT platform will inform you and interact with you through smartphone APP, text messages or phone calls.
VYROX IoT Platform
VYROX IoT technology, AUTOSERVA enables monitoring and controls via interactive human-machine interface through computers, mobile devices like smartphones & tablets and wearable gadgets like smart watches & smart bands.What to Measure?
VYROX IoT Projects

- Energy management for coworking space at kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Temperature monitoring and air conditioner controls over the internet via IoT platform in the cloud.
- Energy management for factory at Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. energy consumption detailed to the level of visualization by current, by voltage, by power, by department, by location, by machine and by time period.
- Pay per use hotel electricity control. Prepaid the access card by topup at the reception counter or reload online using smartphone APP, then scan QR-code to activate electricity supply for specific hotel room.
- Sony Playstation 4 control by purchasing gaming hours. topup at the reception counter or reload online using smartphone APP, then scan QR-code to activate electricity supply to start game.